Sunday, May 3, 2020

Why reopening California sooner than later is a bad idea (Opinion)

(courtesy/Peggy Popadak)
According to recent statistics provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) the United States currently has the most cases of coronavirus when compared to any other country in the world with hot-spots situated in larger, more densely populated states such as New York, California, Illinois and Texas.

Despite the abundance of data that illustrates a growing rate of infection, people across the country have begun protesting many of the shelter-in-place restrictions that have been enacted by state officials and leaders, citing an infringement of personal rights as a primary source of grief as well as a necessity to work as an underlying reason. 

As a result, and due in part to pressure from public outcry many states around the country have resorted to a mentality of leniency regarding social-distancing and shelter-at-home procedures. Much to the frustration of healthcare workers and law-abiding citizens.

While people continue to follow guidelines recommended by the CDC, it appears that these restrictions are completely out of the question for the primarily far-right protesters who are steadfast in their newfound determination to 'get haircuts' and 'have prom'. 

Ultimately, the issue remains clear-cut. Should California and various other states reopen too soon, then the potential for an increased spread of COVID-19 is entirely too certain. A spread that would result in increased rate of infection and death as well as a longer and more severe level of quarantine. 

Karens' of the world should reconsider how badly they want their haircuts and summer-tans, by collectively buckling down and following the guidelines of officials, we may see an end to the coronavirus pandemic sooner than later.

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